The CIFA Board of Directors routinely solicits nominations to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors which is comprised of five Officers (SRFs), ten Regional Directors each representing an EPA Region (SRFs), and two At-Large Directors (non-SRFs).
The CIFA Board of Directors is soliciting nominations to fill the vacancy of an At-Large Director, which was created by the adoption of amendments to bylaws last November.
Any CIFA member can submit a nomination.
Nominees must be an employee of a CIFA member in good standing (dues up to date).
Nominees can be municipal members or members of the business community (finance, engineering, rating agencies, other).
Nominees must be willing and able to fulfill the roles and responsibilities of an At-Large Director.
Please email a completed nomination form, with the subject line “Nomination for CIFA Board of Directors,” to dfinn@cifanet.org by Tuesday, February 11.