The Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities is comprised of state government agencies, businesses and other organizations that are involved in financing of water infrastructure that protects public health and the environment.
Benefits of Membership
The Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities is the only national organization dedicated solely to representing state agencies that manage Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds.
A Voice in the Nation’s Capital
An advocate dedicated to advancing a comprehensive and impactful policy agenda that reflects the priorities of members.
A forum for state program managers to discuss issues and develop consensus on policy and legislation.
Timely updates on federal legislation and rule development.
Coordination and collaboration on advocacy with other national water organizations.
Professionally Rewarding Opportunities for Learning and Networking
Member-Only Meetings: Two meetings per year for members to share experiences and expertise, challenges and solutions, and opportunities and ideas.
CIFA SRF Workshop: Discounts on registration for the nation's premier training program for SRF managers and staff.
Water Infrastructure Investment Policy Summit: Discounts on registration for an annual conference in the nation's capitol to learn the latest in federal policy and its impact on water infrastructure investment.
Meaningful and Relevant Leadership Development
Opportunity to participate in the development of policy, education and training, and communications through member-only committees: Legislative, Finance, EPA, Conference Planning, and Small Community Wastewater Information Exchange Oversight.
Peer-to-Peer Knowledge-Sharing and Problem Solving
Opportunity to ask specific questions and receive feedback from members across the country.
An extensive library of questions and responses from members.
News and Information
A monthly newsletter with news and information about what's happening in the SRF and broader water community.