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The Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities advocates for laws, policy and funding for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs) to build and maintain water infrastructure that protects public health and the environment.


Proven, Effective, Perpetual

The SRFs are state-run programs established within a broad federal framework which provides the necessary flexibility for each state to meet its unique priorities for water infrastructure. Because every loan is subsidized, the programs allow communities to build and maintain water infrastructure while keeping utility rates affordable. The revolving nature of the loan program ensures a recurring source of revenue in perpetuity.


Policy Principles​​

  • Maintain the focus of SRFs on providing low-cost, subsidized loans for water infrastructure in perpetuity.

  • Maintain the flexibility of states to implement the SRFs to meet state and local priorities for water infrastructure.

  • Maintain the affordability of SRFs loans by reducing and avoiding one-size-fits-all federal mandates on loan applicants.


​​Policy Highlights


Congressional Testimony​


Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee


Energy & Commerce Committee

Environment, Manufacturing & Critical Materials Subcommittee​



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