(links will go to PDFs)
Track: Leading on Safe Drinking Water
Lead Line Inventories: Countdown to Initial Inventories for Lead Lines
Lead Line Replacement: Lessons Learned from Lead Service Line Replacement
Emerging Contaminants: Cleaning Up Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water
Track 2: Breaking New Ground​
Emerging Contaminants: What’s Emerging in Wastewater and Stormwater?
Build America, Buy America: Mined, Made and Manufactured in America
Track 3: Supporting Communities
Track 4: Strengthening Fiscal Responsibility​
Meet the Keynote Speakers
Dr. Jennifer McLain, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Jennifer McLain is the Director of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and has 20 years of experience at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in both the Office of Water and the Office of Pesticide Programs. Jennifer joined EPA after earning a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Princeton University.
Dr. Andrew Sawyers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Andrew Sawyers is the Director of the Office of Wastewater Management at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Before his appointment to that position, he served as Deputy Director of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. Prior to EPA, he was the Deputy Director for the Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration, managing Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund and the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds. Andrew has a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University.
Chris Browning, City of Oklahoma City
Chris is currently the Utilities Director and the Water Trust General Manager for the City of Oklahoma City, serving a population of approximately 1.4 million. With more than thirty years of experience as a utility executive, he managed a number of large water utilities within the metro Atlanta and Dallas areas before coming to Oklahoma City in 2016.